After a career in graphic & book design, I happily embark on my patina road. Silver-haired and seasoned, I share the patina of the metal finds I adore. I won’t call my creative efforts an encore career as I’ve maintained a studio for decades. But I will embrace this open schedule & immerse myself in my studio & garden, in spiritual pursuits & reading. I evolved from artist to artisan 15 years ago, indulging my love of metal, hardware, machined workings, & whatnots with my entangled jewelry. Continue reading to learn more about entangled, & please hop over to my shop.


Entangled is artisan jewelry with purpose & that expresses one-of-a-kind style. It’s born of a concern for the environment, a love of metal, & unceasing creativity. My primary material is metal harvested from our city streets. These finds are scuffed & abraded, bent & beautifully weathered—enriched with a patina of the elements, a story. Add to this the inherent beauty of hardware & machined metal. Divorced from function, its tantalizing details & design genius remain.

I marry this metal with vintage & repurposed elements & a few new materials & craft assemblages that are edgy, industrial statements. I use gem stones sparingly. In the shop, item descriptions cite materials recycled (i.e., repurposed & upcycled) & vintage.

other works

I have many gorgeous & fascinating finds too large for jewelry. Perhaps assemblages will grow in scale & once again play within boxes. I will post soon a gallery of my shadowboxes.


care of your entangled jewelry

Take care for your entangled jewelry purchase much as you would any valued piece of jewelry. Store it in a dry, safe place, & dry it off if it gets wet. Steel elements will rust if allowed to stay damp. Use fine steel wool to brighten steel elements. Brass chain and elements will polish to a warm gold as worn. Use only a polishing cloth to polish sterling-silver & brass elements. Any sterling-silver or brass cleaner is too harsh & will strip away the desired patina.

small weathered steel washer